I know that a lot of you already know this because I think most of my readers are family. We are expecting AGAIN (I know-we've had the talk-I just don't know what happened!) It's not an egg in the oven either, just for clarity! My due date is Oct 16th. I went to the doctor on Wednesday and everything seems to be alright. I am about 8-10 weeks along. She tried to hear the heartbeat, and was pretty sure she heard it, but she couldn't get a lock on it to hear it steady. I'm supposed to go back in 2 weeks to make sure they can hear it. She also gave me some pills for morning sickness because it had been lasting most of the day, and that seems to be helping quite a bit. I'm just SO tired I still am not getting much done-the story of my life.
Wednesday was our 9th anniversary. I meant to blog that day, but I didn't. I just can't get over the fact that Daniel and I are such a perfect match. Even though we can get irritated at each other at times, he makes me laugh every day. I've always needed a good laugh every day-just ask Shellie-she was the laughEE while I was the laughER most of the time growing up. She's hilarious too though. A lot of times when Daniel and I start arguing about something, it turns into joking and laughing about it instead of a heated discussion. He always has better comebacks than I do though! He's much wittier and more ornery too. We met on July 14 or 15th, 1994. I can't believe that it has been so long. We started writing letters back and forth (or forth and forth because he forgot to write sometimes!) We still have all of those letters which I keep meaning to read again because they make me feel all giddy inside again! We started "dating" on August 18, 1996. That was the day before I went back to Colorado for one more year of high school. But then I came back a year later to start college and we were inseparable. I am so blessed to have such a loyal, respectable, and loving husband. He puts up with me when I'm at my worst and loves me more each day. I love him more and more each day too and see something new in him all the time. Last night he was so cute playing with the kids. He usually doesn't get too roudy with them, but he was chasing Eli around our circle (kitchen, dining, living rooms) having a pillow fight with him. Ema got in on it too, and they were all giggling up a storm. So cute! Anyway, God has blessed me more than I ever thought possible with a wonderful husband and now 4 beautiful kids!
One exciting note-Elena found my missing-for-2-weeks wedding ring! I was washing dishes a couple of weeks ago and had laid my ring on the counter. Elena wanted to sit on the counter while I did it because she likes to play in the cabinets. Then it was gone. I looked everywhere for it-I looked in the cabinet she was playing in and looked in all the cups and everything. We even looked through the trash the day after it happened. I figured at some point it was going to show up, but I was starting to lose hope. I kept dreaming about finding it and if I was going through something and felt something unusual, my heart would jump, but it was never the ring. Today when I was doing dishes, Elena wanted to get up there again. I said, "why don't you find my ring for me?" Just saying it, not thinking she actually would. After a few "what"s because you have to repeat most things to her in a different way to make her understand. It reminds me of a comedy bit. She turned to the cabinet and a minute later said, "yyeer it is!" I don't really know where she looked that we didn't, but I'm just happy that she found it. So now I feel more complete with a little bit of weight on my hand!
I've gotten a hole punch from my teacher Ms. Ema, because I was hitting a fellow classmate, and I have done 3 pages of work while typing. So this post is a little scattered! I'll be going now because apparently, I need to finish this "A.R. test."