Thursday, January 15, 2009

Funny things I've heard recently

"AAAhhhh!  Don't put me in the juicer!"  Said by Eli, talking for the toy dolphin.

"I'm the mom and you're my fwe-fart."  Elena trying to say 'sweetheart.'

"MANIAC!"  The kids imitating Mr. Bean.

"Elena and her coat of falling colors."  Ema said this about Elena's coat of many colors that she made in Bible class.  The fabric strips were falling down.

"Did he burp?"  Eli always asks right after Everet burps.  


Shellie said...

You're still laughing about all of them too, aren't you. I think Ema has Daniel's sense of humor. That sounds like something he would say.

Eli's question sounds like the "Here's your sign" song where they ask the guy if he got a flat tire and he says "nope, just aired the others ones up".

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your funny things list. I imagine you hear a lot of funny things. I hope you'll continue to share them!

Arly said...

Poor dolphin and the juicer... :) too cute!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm...dolphin juice. What are you cooking up over there?

Shellie said...

I'm so glad that you added that cake wrecks link because I laugh at pretty much every one. I can just picture you laughing at them too!

tracey said...

They're all so funny. Ema has a way with words, I think Casey would appreciate that! =)

tracey said...

Oh, I meant to say that I like the new blog name! I was wondering a while back if you would come up with something new since your E's were now four instead of three. =)